NO: Why Kids Of All Ages Need To Hear It And…
Why Kids Of All Ages Need To Hear It And Way Parents Can Say It
Publisher Simon and Schuster/Free Press, January 2007
Bestselling author of WHY Do They Act That Way? Dr. David Walsh writes the book his readers have been asking him for: how and when to say no to your kids—and make it stick.
No. It’s not just a one-word answer, it’s a parenting strategy. By saying no when they need to, parents help their children learn skills, such as self-reliance, self-discipline, respect, integrity, the ability to delay gratification, and a host of other crucial character traits. Although the importance of no should be obvious, many parents have a hard time saying it when other parents and the culture around them are being permissive, even when they know they should.
Now renowned psychologist Dr. David Walsh provides parents with an arsenal of tactics, explanations, and examples for using no the right way with their kids. By applying these techniques, parents will regain confidence in their own judgment and ability to say no. Dr. Walsh explains that regaining the ability to say No is not only important for our kids’ well-being but essential for our country’s economic future.
Other parenting books broach the topics of tough love and discipline, but only No offers the lively voice, warm wisdom, science made simple, and breadth of knowledge that readers have come to expect from Dr. Walsh. With down-to-earth advice that can be put into practice immediately—and affecting and humorous anecdotes to illustrate central points and remind readers that they’re not alone—No gives parents real, effective strategies for helping their children grow up healthy and happy.
“Dr. Dave Walsh is the kind of guy you wish lived down the block (or, perhaps, down the hall), so you could have ready access to his wise, compassionate advice. Having this book by your bedside is a close second. His clear, thoughtful, real-world suggestions for how parents can best set loving limits will forever change the way you think about discipline and will make a significant, positive difference in your family’s quality of life.”
— Ann Pleshette Murphy, Good Morning America’s parenting expert and author of The 7 Stages of Motherhood: Loving Your Life Without Losing Your Mind
“Dr. Walsh’s new book arrives in the Land of Immediate Gratification just in time. In it, he discusses discipline and self-restraint from neurological, developmental, familial, and cultural points of view. Walsh is an excellent scientist and cultural observer who gives sage, sensitive, and practical advice. No should be required reading for every parent who walks out of a hospital with a newborn.”
— Mary Pipher, author of Reviving Ophelia
“A comprehensive guide, it is not just about how to say No, but gives sound, practical advice that will help parents raise considerate, motivated children who will succeed in school, jobs, and life. The chapter on self-esteem alone is worth the price of the book. No will help today’s parents avoid raising the next Generation Me.”
— Jean Twenge, PhD, professor of psychology, San Diego State University, author of Generation Me: Why Today’s Young Americans Are More Confident, Assertive, Entitled , and More Miserable Than Ever Before
David Walsh, Ph.D., is one of the most sought-after speakers in American education. President and founder of the National Institute on Media and the Family in Minneapolis, he is an award-winning psychologist, author of seven books, television personality, and the subject of a nationally televised PBS special, Raising MediaWise Kids.