Wendy Smith


Wendy Smith is an experienced fundraising professional who has worked in the nonprofit sector for the past 20 years, including work in direct services, program administration, development, consulting, and board membership. She has a master’s degree in education and a bachelor’s degree in marketing.

With her background in philanthropy, Wendy has a broad understanding of how the nonprofit sector operates, what makes programs effective, and what motivates donors to give. She is inspired by the generosity of everyday citizens and passionate about helping them give effectively. Writing Give a Little: How Your Small Donations Can Transform Our World expresses this passion.

Wendy has written hundreds of successful grant proposals and fundraising letters to individuals. She has written annual reports, marketing materials, and articles for newsletters and community publications and has also conducted public relations for private sector businesses and nonprofits. Wendy has been interviewed about fundraising and quoted in professional periodicals. She has conducted numerous workshops and taught courses at a community college. She is a dynamic and motivating public speaker.

Wendy has reserved the website GiveaLittleNow.com in order to support this book. Her plans for widening the reach of her project include public speaking, a regular blog, and a column in an online or print magazine aimed at helping readers navigate the process of making personal donations.

Wendy Smith
Photograph courtesy of Brad Hoak

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