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Publishers Weekly – March 2, 2009
Former radio show cohosts and authors (The Mommy Chronicles), Ellington and Triplett are an odd couple—best friends with differing views who happened to have been pregnant at the same time. Ellington is the organized stay-at-home mom who ended up bottle feeding and preferred her baby to sleep in a crib; Triplett is a working mom who breastfed and embraced the family bed. Together they prove that there’s “no one right way to be a good mom,” as they dole out advice on an array of topics ranging from recovering from the giving birth to dealing with “sticky decisions” like whether to let kids eat Pop Tarts for breakfast. While the authors have thoroughly researched their material, they’ve also lived it, and along with tips from medical experts and other resources, they include insider advice readers won’t hear from their pediatricians (i.e., to avoid embarrassment, practice collapsing the stroller before going out in public). Though the two occasionally disagree, they do so in a genial manner that demonstrates how working and stay-at-home moms can get along and learn from one another. They also offer an occasional tip for dads (i.e., after the delivery, “you can never go wrong with diamonds”). This breezy, chatty read is filled with practical information as well as laughs. (Apr.)