Hester Rumberg

Hester Rumberg, author of TEN DEGRESS OF RECKONING, dies in Toronto of respiratory failure. Read more...

Hester Rumberg2018-03-31T21:41:51-04:00

The Tragedy of Arthur

Arthur Phillips's THE TRAGEDY OF ARTHUR has been selected one of the ten best books of the year "so far" by Amazon on June 27, 2011

The Tragedy of Arthur2018-03-31T21:39:32-04:00

Children of the Street

Kwei Quartey's CHILDREN OF THE STREET received a Publishers Weekly Starred Review (May 16, 2011)

Children of the Street2018-03-31T21:35:07-04:00

The Architect of Flowers

William Lychack's story collection THE ARCHITECT OF FLOWERS is a Barnes & Noble Summer 2011 Reading Pick

The Architect of Flowers2018-03-31T21:33:33-04:00

My Name is Mary Sutter

Robin Oliveira's novel MY NAME IS MARY SUTTER has appeared on the New York Times extended best seller list four weeks since its April 2011 trade paperback publication (May 5, 2011)

My Name is Mary Sutter2018-03-31T21:34:14-04:00
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