Pat Conroy Honored by The Citadel

Pat Conroy, a former point guard on the Citadel’s basketball team (class of 1967) and an avid fan of the sport will be honored in November 2014 by his alma mater when he is inducted as an honorary member of The Citadel Athletic Hall of Fame… See Post and Courier (SC) [...]

Pat Conroy Honored by The Citadel2018-03-31T23:13:04-04:00


Laura Lane McNeal's DOLLBABY has received the following recognition in its first week of July 2014 publication: Okra number one pick, Indie Next Pick, Library Reads top ten pick, A "must read book of the week" by New York Post



Laura Lane McNeal's DOLLBABY is one of Library Journal Best of Summer Debut Novels of 2014


Beautiful Bookstores

For "the love of words" as Pat Conroy says... we would like to share with you some of the most interesting, unusual, beautiful bookstores of the world and we hope the link here will stay active forever... Click to the site please!

Beautiful Bookstores2018-03-31T23:10:33-04:00


Laura Lane McNeal's DOLLBABY has received the following recognition in its first week of July 2014 publication: Okra number one pick, Indie Next Pick, Library Reads top ten pick, A "must read book of the week" by New York Post

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