Ron Rash Interview

Wall Street Journal has an interview with Ron Rash on September 4, 2015. See it here...

Ron Rash Interview2018-03-31T23:24:58-04:00

Dinner With Buddha

Roland Merullo's DINNER WITH BUDDHA is Publishers Weekly Pick of the Week for April 20, 2015

Dinner With Buddha2018-03-31T23:24:03-04:00

The Loft Celebrates 40th Birthday

THE LOFT, the country’s largest nonprofit literary arts center, is set to celebrates its 40th birthday in August. It was started by Marly Rusoff when, as a young bookseller in Minneapolis, she gathered a number of poets and writers in a room above her campus bookstore... see more...

The Loft Celebrates 40th Birthday2022-02-28T17:30:01-05:00

Four Years in the Mountains of Kurdistan

FOUR YEARS IN THE MOUNTAINS OF KURDISTAN Aram Haigaz first-hand account of his exile following the Armenian Genocide of 1915, makes Kirkus Reviews’ list of essential reads on this long neglected historical tragedy

Four Years in the Mountains of Kurdistan2018-03-31T23:22:13-04:00

Where They Found Her

Kimberly McCreight's WHERE THEY FOUND HER receives a Kirkus Starred review (February 15, 2015)and also  early praise from Jody Picoult and Gillian Flynn.

Where They Found Her2018-03-31T23:21:18-04:00
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