Simon Tolkien’s NO MAN’S LAND sweeping historical saga that tells the story of Adam Raine who grows from boy to man between the turbulent years of 1909 to 1919, starting life as an impoverished child in London who moves to a hard-living coal mining community and is subsequently adopted by the wealthy owner of an Edwardian country house, where he and the owner’s younger son become fierce rivals for the same girl, a rivalry that leads them to develop a murderous hatred for one another which affects all the characters around them, in a novel of faith, class, and war including the horrors of the Battle of the Somme which has profound effects on them all to Nan Talese at Nan A. Talese/Knopf Doubleday in a preempt in a good deal by agent Marly Rusoff at Marly Rusoff & Associates (NA)